studiovaldman The selected text ("פרקים נא-נב // שיעור ראשון 000") with the desired paragraph style was not found in the document...
Hi Zahava,
Thanks for adding screenshots and more info.
The error message above shows that LiveTOC is searching for the entire phrase "פרקים נא-נב // שיעור ראשון 000", including the 000. An exact match for that clearly does not exist in the book. You don't have 000 in the chapter titles in the book!
The reason it's doing this is that you've told it to search each TOC entry from the "1st" word all the way to the "End of paragraph" -- and that includes the 000! This is wrong in your case.
As you haven't included a screenshot of your TOC, I can't know for sure what character you're using to separate the actual text entry from the 000 at the end. But it's likey to be a Tab or a right-indent Tab. If so, choose the correct option in the "... until this character" dropdown and try again.