Rayzel Thank you. If both sides were Hebrew and the footnotes relate to both sides, could that work?
If both sides are Hebrew (i.e. a single story, like any regular book), and you've got footnotes on each page, what would you need Footwork for?
Rayzel Yes, they each have footnotes, but are really all one set right now (because you can't have two sets in Indesign. i would like the number to restart from one on the right and on the left pages.
Thank you.
Footnote would note support a configuration where the footnotes are linked to one side only, but are supposed to appear on both sides.
I'm not entirely sure if I've understood what you're asking, I think clearly labeled screenshots would help. In general, although Footwork does have an option to restart numbering each page, I don't think that would be a sufficient reason to use Footwork, since InDesign can restart footnote numbering on each page natively.
The point of Footwork is mainly to enable footnotes in columns (beneath text in a single column) and/or run-on footnotes. If you don't need either of those features, Footwork is probably overkill.
What it isn't, unfortunately, is a general multi-text solution!